Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Song of the Week 12/18/22 - 12/24/22 (Hanukkah and more)


Happy Hanukkah 2022

Earlier in the week I listening to Shlomi Shabbat and Yehuda Poliker.. Listen to this special rendition 10:49 into the video. It's amazing.  

This got me thinking. I know I recognize that song but what it is.  I googled Yom Sababa and found another version:

Have you figured it out yet?   If you give up stay tuned, and I'll tell you what it is at the end of todays blog.

Very soon the Israel Hour Podcast should be out that featured my playlist.  Please check back here and I'll post a link to it. In the meantime, I wanted to share an article by Israel Hour Host Josh Shron.  This article shares and explains the 2020 songs when music mattered more than ever

Again, I couldn't leave you without sharing the latest and interesting Six13 Hanukkah video and it's like the candle in the window !!!!

Still don't recognize the song. Flip your phone, tablet, or monitor over to reveal the answer:

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